ISC response to Tenzin Dorjee’s Huffington Post blog ‘6 Things You Should Know About the Anti-Dalai Lama Protesters’, Nov 5, 2014

We would like to offer the following two pieces of information with regard to the blog in the Huffington Post written by the Tibetan, Tenzin Dorjee.

(1) Given the string of similar and baseless articles appearing only in the Huffington Post, it is clear to us that this project of misinformation is created by Robert Thurman. Robert Thurman is a close friend of the Dalai Lama, the President and co-founder of Tibet House and a long time contributing writer for the Huffington Post. Sadly, Tenzin Dorjee is simply acting as the dog of Robert Thurman.

(2) The information presented in this blog is completely wrong, and we can only conclude that these are malicious lies.

Therefore, with this statement and through our demonstrations the International Shugden Community is publicly telling the Dalai Lama, Robert Thurman and the Tibetans who support them to “Stop Lying.” The Shugden Community has done this now for over 20 years, and yet Robert Thurman still does not understand - he is obviously a very ignorant man.

The International Shugden Community